Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New year and new injury already!

So 2010 has been and gone, Feels like it went so quickly but its been a pretty successful year both in terms of climbing and education. I managed to actually pass my degree and my ML, but now onto the things that actually matter "grades"!
"All i care about is glory, and you get no glory unless you get grades!"
So the biggest focus of the year was achieving the goals i set at the start 5 7a's and Clever Beaver.
Managed to dispatch these by May, ha! Surely i must be aiming to low so i upped the game and carried on trying more and more problems in different areas and on different rock types.
The year was full of trips, 2 to Font, a week in Kalymnos, 4 days down in Dartmoor, a weekend in Porth Ysgo and plenty of different UK venues for the odd day trip.
Also along with the plenty of trips of course came many injuries, mainly being finger injuries.
Well down to the business of what climbs and what grades i got done in total:



Right Wall Traverse
Right Wall Traverse - Lip Stick RH
Parisella's Original
Bizarre Bizarre
Pif Paf
King Of Drunks
Angel Deelite (flash)
Fire Starter
Pill Box Original
Lapin Au Canard
Blind Bat

7a +

Clever Cleaver Stand
Clever Beaver
Bust Lip
Fleur De Rhum
Pantys Down
Sanctified Strong
Nothing To Say Dyno
Last Stand


Lip Service


Clever Cleaver - Clever Beaver Start



Hot Stuff





Managed to climb the hardest in every discipline in this year. Lets just hope 2011 can bring the same will have to do some serious training if i want this to happen.

Latest injury is a knee injury, not quite sure what i have done to it yet but i have spoken to Matt and he has given me a few things to research and i think it could possibly be Lateral Colateral Ligament issues and just a mild strain. Hoping it is as the new wall opens soon an im really keen to get there on a regular basis and fid my motivation to train again as i lost it working too much at the wall. At least a new wall will be a completly new atmosphere and somewhere i can truely chill out and focus on the climbing.

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